Custom Cutting
Call Spencer at (801)-791-8358 to schedule your Beef or Lambs.
We currently process beef, pork and lamb. Prices are as follows:
Whole and 1/2 Beef $.90lb cut and wrap
Grinder Beef or 1/4 Beef $.95lb
Patties +$.95lb
$150 Cut and wrap
$150 Cut and wrap plus $4/lb curing fee.
We have partnered with Pineview Custom Slaughter to better help our customers through the entire process from field to freezer. All of our processing is scheduled through Pineview. They are mobile and will come to you. If you want us to cut your meat it must be scheduled through Spencer at Pineview Slaughter. To get on the schedule call Pineview Slaughter at 801-791-8358